
We handle the responsibility of ensuring that your project develops and operates at full potential in cost and resource efficient conditions and then go the extra mile, bringing you solutions that reflect the commitment and passion you invest in your business.

Our integrated maintenance and management services monitor and maintain your assets so that they deliver high performance and the greatest return. With our technical, financial and legislative teams working in sync, we provide optimal technical solutions, all the while managing costs and service time. We offer a wide range of service packages tailored to the specifics of your industry and to the character of your business. Our operations oversee the functionality of your technology or work facility, while our asset management division is committed to safeguarding and improving your assets.

Energy Consulting

We provide energy consulting to companies seeking to navigate the challenges of the energy business, enhance performance and derive successful business strategies. Our goal is to maximize our clients’ energy goals and increase returns, ensuring that no part of the process is overlooked.

Backed by experience. Powered by expert know-how

We have worked with all the players on the industry chain, from energy producers to suppliers and large consumers in the Romanian and Italian market. Our experience in asset management in the field of sustainable energy and our partnerships with all parties involved in the energy business make us expert consultants in both the legal and financial intricacies of local energy industry and in the logistics of international energy business.

We continuously analyze market trends, track new regulation and predict upcoming trends, imparting to our clients the same thorough understanding that enables them to make the best financial and commercial decisions backed by the legal guidance of our expert counselors.