
We handle the responsibility of ensuring that your project develops and operates at full potential in cost and resource efficient conditions and then go the extra mile, bringing you solutions that reflect the commitment and passion you invest in your business.

Our integrated maintenance and management services monitor and maintain your assets so that they deliver high performance and the greatest return. With our technical, financial and legislative teams working in sync, we provide optimal technical solutions, all the while managing costs and service time. We offer a wide range of service packages tailored to the specifics of your industry and to the character of your business. Our operations oversee the functionality of your technology or work facility, while our asset management division is committed to safeguarding and improving your assets.

Asset Management

At Telenergia, we believe that management is a team sport and that each player has an essential role towards the success of your operations. As such, we deliver comprehensive management solutions tailored to the character of your business and to the demands of your industry.

We provide comprehensive services for project owners who want to see their assets improve. Whether they are financial, property or business assets, we are committed to their maintenance and growth. Our services include physical assets maintenance, legal guidance, financial and commercial assistance, project tracking and reporting.

Our promise is to closely engage with our clients and pursue strategies optimally designed to fit their business needs, work processes and company values. We will then deliver specific management solutions and encourage and push ourselves and our partners towards continuous service optimization and improvement.

Asset management Services

Power plant management

Power plants are complex enterprises that require an all-round brand of management charged with coordinating engineering maintenance efforts with commercial, financial and administrative direction.

Telenergia integrates both lines of management into a complex service syncing the technological and logistical processes of the plant with commercial and market operations. This coordination of efforts brings an incomparable advantage to plant owners seeking the combined benefits of both directions.

Physical assets management secures and enhances plant operation. The maintenance of plant components, control technology and industrial processes plays a vital role in the success of plant operation. Our systems of maintenance and monitoring of plant assets increase performance and operational readiness to the purpose of maximizing plant efficiency and enhancing plant value.

Financial assets management ensures safety, liquidity and profitability. Our financial and commercial assistance is backed by market experience and continuous training and revision. We continuously analyze market trends, track new regulation and predict upcoming trends, and it is this global understanding of market processes that enables us to make the best financial and commercial decisions backed by the legal guidance of our expert counselors.

Facility management

We offer integrated services that ensure the optimal functionality of your work facilities in all aspects of operation: logistics and technology, personnel and finance. Our services are tailored to the demands and features of industrial, commercial or civil facilities looking to achieve greater performance, improve quality or commence larger scale operations.

We deliver a custom-built, comprehensive support service that optimizes work processes and facilitates the integration of people, processes and technology in order to foster an efficiently organized, work-driven environment focused on high performance and growth.

As part of our facility services, we ensure technological support and operations and maintenance, management of human factors and resources, real estate and property management and strategic financial and commercial guidance, all while delivering quality and observing sustainability.

By lending our high quality standards to your business, we commit to delivering improved operations, greater productivity and a greater degree of control and direction, via technical enhancements and an expert human touch.